UMass Cybersecurity Club


This is our events page where we will be putting the details of club events. This club hosts a multitude of events through each semester. Click the calendar below to see descriptions, times, locations, etc. of all of our club events (workshops, talks held by our executive board, industry professionals, and esteemed faculty). All times listed here are in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Generally, our workshops are held on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM EST.

Our executive board also hosts Hacker Hours, which are hours that we have the Cybersec Room (LGRT 212) guaranteed to be open with an EBoard member. If you'd like to stop by to learn a new security topic, do homework, or just chill it's a great time to do so!

Fall 2023 Semester

Event: Guest Talk: Interrupt Labs -- "From CTF to Real World"
Date & Time: Tuesday November 7, 2023 @ 6-7 PM
Location: Hasbrouck Lab Add Room 113
Description: This Tuesday (11/7), Interrupt Labs (workplace of one of our e-board alumni, Gilbert) will be hosting a talk on transitioning from CTF competitions to real world vulnerability research. They'll be talking about both general methodology and 2 specific examples of bugs found in embedded devices. Additionally, if you're interested in reverse engineering or vulnerability research internships, come by! There will be 🍕

Event: Guest Talk: KPMG
Date & Time: Friday November 10, 2023 @ 6 PM
Location: Computer Science Building Room 142
Description: Join us on Friday, November 10 in the Computer Science Building Rm 142 at 6 PM for a KPMG Industry Talk! KPMG is one of the big four accounting companies and has a robust Cybersecurity Services division. We will be hosting members of KPMG's Cyber Threat Management and Cyber Defense and Response teams, including a UMass alum, James Hurley. The talk will consist of a career talk, where James will speak about how he got into Cybersecurity after graduating from UMass and go through an average day of his work at KPMG. Afterwards, the team will also be demoing some KPMG exclusive cybersecurity technology!

Event: HackUMass Workshop: Hardware Hacking
Date & Time: Saturday November 11, 2023 @ 3 PM

Event: XSS Workshop
Date & Time: Tuesday October 31, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC N101
Description: We'll be teaching how you can inject malicious code (for educational purposes) into websites using the web exploitation technique of Cross Site Scripting (XSS), and also how to protect against it. We will have both a tutorial and several hands-on labs, so if you're interested in learning and applying this technique, come to ILC N101 at 7 pm!

Event: Playing HackTheBoo
Date & Time: Saturday October 27, 2023 @ 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: LGRC A104

Event: Forensics Workshop
Date & Time: Tuesday October 24, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC N101
Description: Ever wondered how police catch cybercriminals? Come to the forensics workshop to learn how detectives can recover deleted files, attribute attacks, and locate criminals.

Event: Advanced Topics: Ghidra & Playing N1CTF
Date & Time: Friday October 20, 2023 @ 4:30-8 PM
Location: LGRC A104
Description: Expanding more on Ghidra and other topics mentioned in this week's workshop and playing N1CTF.

Event: Introduction to Reverse Engineering / "Reversing" Workshop
Date & Time: Tuesday October 17, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC N101
Description: Ever wondered how software works in your computer? How the software we use everyday like terminal commands, online tools, or even CS class projects function? In this week's workshop, we'll cover Reverse Engineering and dive into what programs do by reconstucting their source code.

Event: Playing TCP1P CTF
Date & Time: Friday October 13, 2023

Event: Guest Talk: Tib3rius
Date & Time: Friday October 13, 2023 @ 5 PM
Location: ILC S131
Description: Tib3rius is a prominent figure in the cybersecurity world, particularly through his ethical hacking courses which have attracted tens of thousands of students and are widely recognized as an industry standard. He currently serves as an ethical hacker, also known as a pentester, at TCM Security. Tib3rius boasts a substantial online presence with over 50k Twitter followers, as well as popular YouTube and Twitch channels. SQL Injection is a serious issue that still affects web applications to this day. In this hands-on workshop, Tib3rius will teach the basics of SQL injection, how to find it, how to exploit it, and how to fix it. There will be a giveaway of UMass Cybersec Club-branded hoodies as well as pizza! 🍕 Click here and fill out our interest form for this workshop (not a RSVP form, just a head-count for pizza)! Required: Laptop, free account on Recommended: Kali Linux, or at an OS with Burp Suite Community installed.

Event: Red vs. Blue Team Simulation II
Date & Time: Friday October 6, 2023 @ 4:30-8:00 pm
Location: LGRC A104
Description: We'll be running a scaled down version of Red Team vs. Blue Team which will be focused on web application penetration testing on the same network from last week. We'll cover how you might scan for web vulnerabilities and use those findings to figure out how to exploit web applications in a controlled environment. Stop by if you're interested!

Event: Introduction to Web Exploitation Workshop
Date & Time: Tuesday October 3, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC S110
Description: We'll teach you how to use Burp Suite to intercept, edit, and resend requests for web exploitation as well as introducing command injection exploits. For the workshop, please download and install Burp Suite (either on your VM or main OS, whatever you prefer). Also, if don't want to or can't use the browser included in Burp Suite you can set it up to work with whatever browser you like here. Slides

Event: Playing MapleCTF
Date & Time: Friday September 30, 2023 @ 8 PM - Sunday October 1, 2023 @ 8 PM
Location: Virtual
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: Red vs. Blue Team Simulation I
Date & Time: Friday September 29, 2023 @ 4:30-8:00 pm
Location: LGRC A104
Description: This Friday we'll be running our Red Team vs. Blue Team simulation. This event will apply all the skills we talked about at the penetration testing workshop earlier this week in a hands-on, interactive lab setting. So if you're interested in seeing how real world pentesting looks like in a controlled environment, swing by for a little or a while! There will be 🍕!
Photos: Instagram Twitter

Event: Penetration Testing (Pentesting) Workshop
Date & Time: Tuesday September 26, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC S110
Description: In this workshop, we'll be covering the basics of ethical hacking and learning how professionals discover and exploit vulnerabilities in real-world companies. Some of the topics include the basics of computer networking and industry standard tools such as Nmap and Metasploit! Slides Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Interest Form
Photos: Instagram Twitter

Event: Playing ASIS CTF
Date & Time: Friday September 22, 2023 10:30 AM - Saturday September 23, 2023 10:30 AM
Location: Virtual & LGRC A104 (Lederle Lowrise, CICS Makerspace)
Description: NOTE: The CICS Makerspace (LGRC A104) will only be available ~4:30 - 6:00 PM on Friday, not throughout the entire weekend. This weekend we'll be playing ASIS CTF. Challenge topics include: web hacking, modern cryptography, exploit, forensics, and reverse engineering. This is a great way for beginners and experts alike to practice hacking. Everyone is welcome to play with us, regardless of experience! We will also be available to help folks play around with Linux some more, assist with setting up virtual machines and tools, and give some hints for challenges on the Training Platform. This will be a super casual meeting so stop by if for a bit (or a while) if you're interested! See login information to play in the Discord server. To sign up for ASIS CTF go to:

Event: Unix Workshop
Date & Time: Tuesday September 19, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC S110
Description: The Cybersec Club's first workshop of the semester. In this workshop we cover the Linux fundamentals you need to start exploring the Cybersecurity field! Slides. Guides for installing Kali Linux VMs:

  • M1/M2 Guide This will walk you through how you install UTM to create a Kali Linux virtual machine for Apple silicon Macbooks.
  • Windows Watch this tutorial. It should walk you through how to install VMWare and get Kali Linux running.
  • For those who can't finish the guide before the workshop, please download a Kali installer image from here for your type of device before the workshop as we will have people trying to get VM's ready for the first ~15 minutes as people file in.
Photos: Instagram Twitter

Event: Playing CSAW CTF
Date & Time: Friday September 15, 2023 @ 4:30 PM - ~8:00 PM
Location: Virtual & LGRC A104 (Lederle Lowrise)
Description: This Friday we'll be playing CSAW CTF in LGRC A104 starting around 4:30 and staying until 8:00 (possibly longer). We'll also spend the time getting people started with Cybersecurity, help set up environments (VMs and more), and just hanging out. This will be a super casual meeting so stop by if for a bit (or a while) if you're interested! Also there will be snacks :) See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: General Body Meeting (GBM)
Date & Time: Tuesday September 12, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC S110
Description: If you've ever wanted to learn anything about security and how to become an "ethical hacker", you're in the perfect place. Our General Body meeting is where we kick off and announce all the events we've planned for the upcoming semester including: workshops, industry talks, club sponsored career events, competitions, and more! Slides
Photos: Instagram Twitter

Event: Playing PatriotCTF
Date & Time: Friday September 8, 2023 @ 5 PM - Sunday September 10, 5:00 PM
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: CICS First Friday Fair
Date & Time: Friday September 8, 2023 @ 3-5 PM
Location: Lederle Graduate Research Center (LGRC) 1st Floor
Description: Join us today on the first floor of the Lederle Graduate Research Center (LGRC) between 3-5 PM to talk to our executive board members and ask questions about cybersecurity or the club!

Summer 2023

Event: Playing SekaiCTF
Date & Time: Friday August 25, 2023 @ 2 PM - Sunday August 27, 2023 @ 2 PM
Location: Virtual
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: Playing Google CTF
Date & Time: Friday June 23, 2023 @ 12 PM - Sunday June 25, 2023 @ 12 PM
Location: Virtual
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Spring 2023 Semester

Event: Guest Talk: Tib3rius
Date & Time: Wednesday May 17, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC N111
Description: Ever wanted to know what it's like to be a Cybersecurity professional in the workforce? Then come to a talk by White Oak Security's prominent penetration tester, Tib3rius. Tib3rius will provide an overview of what professional pentesting is like, share industry war stories, and dive into technical details about exploits he's handled. If you have any interest in how penetration testing affects the world we live in, or how to build a career out of it, then this is an outstanding opportunity to learn more.
Photos: Instagram Twitter

Event: Playing M0lecon CTF
Date & Time: Friday May 12, 2023 - Saturday May 13, 2023
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: Playing San Diego CTF
Date & Time: Friday May 8, 2023 8 PM - Sunday May 7, 2023 @ 8 PM
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: Web Serialization Workshop
Date & Time: Wednesday May 3, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC N111
Description: Data is serialized and deserialized in nearly every application we use daily. However, this process can have major secure flaws if done unsafely! Join us this Wednesday @ 7 PM in ILC N111 where we'll be diving into serialization and deserialization attacks!

Event: Playing UMDCTF
Date & Time: Friday April 28, 2023 @ 6 PM - Sunday April 30, 2023 @ 6 PM
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: Playing Space Heroes CTF
Date & Time: Friday April 21, 2023 @ 5 PM - Sunday April 23, 2023 @ 5 PM
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: Playing DamCTF 2023
Date & Time: Saturday April 8, 2023 @ 8 PM - Sunday April 9, 2023 @ 8 PM
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: Guest Talk: Battelle
Date & Time: Friday April 7, 2023 @ 6 PM
Location: ILC S120
Description: Introduction to vulnerability research on embedded devices and using automated vulnerability discovery to find zero-days on a router
Photos: Instagram Twitter

Event: Talking about OSCP
Date & Time: Wednesday April 5, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC S120
Description: Join us to listen to one of our members talk their journey to getting the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) certification as well as tips and tricks for how to get your own!
Photos: Instagram Twitter

Event: Playing RITSEC CTF 2023
Date & Time: Friday March 31, 2023 @ 12 PM - Sunday April 2, 2023 @ 12 PM
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: UMassCTF 2023 Breakdown Workshop
Date & Time: Wednesday March 29, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC S220
Description: Come join us to talk about UMassCTF to look over some statistics, talk about how we set up the infrastructure, and go over some challenges together!
Photos: Instagram

Event: UMassCTF 2023
Date & Time: March 24-26, 2023
Location: Online
Description: The UMass Cybersecurity Club would like to announce our virtual CTF taking place from March 24-26! UMassCTF is a two-day long virtual jeopardy-style CTF created and hosted entirely by the UMass Cybersecurity Club! Participants will solve a number of challenges spanning many different categories from reverse engineering to web exploitation, competing to earn cash and voucher prizes from a separate prize pool. Players of all backgrounds and skill levels are welcome to participate in this competition.

Event: Hardware Hacking Workshop
Date & Time: Wednesday March 22, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC S120
Description: Join us to learn all about XBox Hacking! We will go over the fundamentals of XBox JTAG and RGH hacking with live demos -- all for ethical and educational purposes, of course. There will also be a 12-16 player Halo LAN party afterwards, so bring your XBox 360 controllers!
Photos: Instagram

Event: Playing UTCTF 2023
Date & Time: Saturday March 11, 2023 @ 8 PM - Monday March 13, 2023 @ 8 PM
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: Playing KalmarCTF 2023
Date & Time: Friday March 3, 2023 @ 1 PM - Sunday March 5, 2023 @ 1 PM
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: Red vs. Blue Simulation II
Date & Time: Friday March 3, 2023 @ 4 PM
Location: Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: Do some Red vs. Blue team simulation, solve some CTF challenges, and hang out in the room!
Photos: Instagram Twitter

Event: Client-Side Web Workshop
Date & Time: Wednesday March 1, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC S311
Description: We'll be going through client-side web bugs with fun hands-on labs to accompaany them. We'll also show a fun real world exploit one of our club members found (and very responsibly disclosed).
Photos: Instagram Twitter

Event: Playing VU CYBERTHON 2023
Date & Time: Saturday February 25, 2023 @ 3 AM - 3 PM
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: Red vs. Blue Simulation I
Date & Time: Friday February 24, 2023 @ 4 PM
Location: Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: Red vs. Blue team simulation
Photos: Instagram Twitter

Event: Cybersecurity Careers Workshop
Date & Time: Wednesday February 22, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC S311
Description: Join us to learn a bit about different cybersecurity career paths, get advice about getting into specific career paths, and have two career developers take a look at your resume and give you personal feedback!

Event: Playing pbctf 2023
Date & Time: Saturday February 18, 2023 @ 10 AM - Monday February 20, 2023 @ 10 PM
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: Playing Incognito 4.0
Date & Time: Friday February 17, 2023 @ 8 AM - Saturday February 18, 2023 @ 8 AM
Location: Virtual & Cybersecurity Club Room
Description: See login information to play in the Discord server.

Event: General Body Meeting (GBM)
Date & Time: Wednesday February 15, 2023 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC N101
Description: We will be outlining our workshop schedule, club highlights, various opportunities, and more!

All information below this point was taken from this page.

Fall 2022 Semester

Event: KITCTFCTF 2022 and Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) Basics
Date & Time: December 9, 2022 @ 4 PM
Description: Workshop Series

Event: Docker and AWS Basics
Date & Time: December 7, 2022 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series

Event: HackTheBox (HTB) Uni CTF 2022: Supernatural Hacks
Date & Time: Friday December 2, 2022 @ 4 PM
Description: Friday meeting

Event: Fuzzing Workshop
Date & Time: November 30, 2022 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series

Event: 2022 New England Regionals CPTC Champions!
Date: November 19, 2022
Description: Twitter

Event: Active Directory Workshop
Date & Time: November 16, 2022 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series

Event: Forensics Workshop
Date & Time: November 8, 2022 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series

Event: Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) Introduction
Date & Time: Friday November 4, 2022 @ 4 PM
Description: Friday meeting

Event: Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition (CPTC)
Date & Time: Friday October 28, 2022 @ 4 PM
Description: Friday meeting

Event: Career Talk
Date: October 26, 2022

Event: Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition (CPTC)
Date & Time: Friday October 21, 2022 @ 4 PM
Description: Friday meeting

Event: Binary Exploitation Workshop
Date & Time: October 19, 2022 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series

Event: Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition (CPTC)
Date & Time: Friday October 14, 2022 @ 4 PM
Description: Friday meeting

Event: Reverse Engineering Workshop
Date & Time: October 12, 2022 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series

Event: Web Exploitation Workshop
Date & Time: October 5, 2022 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series

Event: Capture-the-Flag (CTF) and Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition (CPTC) Introduction
Date & Time: Friday September 30, 2022 @ 4 PM
Description: Friday meeting

Event: Introduction to Penetration Testing (Pentesting)
Date & Time: September 28, 2022 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series

Event: UNIX Workshop
Date & Time: September 21, 2022 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series

Event: General Body Meeting (GBM)
Date & Time: September 14, 2022 @ 7 PM

Spring 2022 Semester

Event: Creating and Managing Cloud Resources w/ Google Cloud and Google SWE
Date & Time: May 5, 2022 @ 7 PM

Event: UMassCTF 2022
Date(s): April 1-3, 2022
Description: CTFTime

Event: DevSecOps Workshop
Date & Time: February 23, 2022 @ 7 PM

Event: Security Incidence Response and Analysis w/ Akamai
Date & Time: February 9, 2022 @ 5:15 PM

Event: Spring General Body Meeting (GBM)
Date & Time: February 3, 2022 @ 7 PM

Fall 2021 Semester

Event: Crypto Workshop
Date & Time: November 11, 2021 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series Recording

Event: Embedded Medical Device Security w/ Wayne Burleson
Date & Time: November 9, 2021 @ 6 PM

Event: Fuzzing Workshop @ HackUMass
Date & Time: November 6, 2021 @ 10 AM

Event: Kubernetes Talk w/ Brendan Burns
Date & Time: November 5, 2021 @ 12 PM

Event: Google Cloud w/ Ensure Access and Identity
Date & Time: November 4, 2021 @ 7 PM

Event: Binary Exploitation Workshop
Date & Time: October 28, 2021 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series Recording

Event: Web Workshop
Date & Time: October 14, 2021 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series Recording

Event: Careers Panel w/ Akamai
Date & Time: October 13, 2021 @ 4 PM

Event: Reversing Workshop
Date & Time: September 30, 2021 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series Recording

Event: Unix Workshop
Date & Time: September 16, 2021 @ 7 PM
Description: Workshop Series Recording

Event: General Body Meeting
Date & Time: November 11, 2021 @ 7 PM
Description: Recording Slides

Spring 2021 Semester

Event: End of Semester Social Party
Date & Time: May 4, 2021 @ 9 PM

Event: Google Cloud Workshop: Security & Identity Fundamentals by Hong Tai Wei
Date & Time: April 22, 2021 @ 7 PM

Event: Cyber Defense Talk: Lateral Threat Movement and Zero Trust w/ Chetan Gopal
Date & Time: April 9, 2021 @ 5 PM

Event: picoCTF Workshop
Date & Time: March 20, 2021 @ 12:30 PM

Event: First time qualified for NECCDC Regional Event
Date(s): March 19-30, 2021

Event: Digital Forensics and Incident Response by Kristen Bonsall
Date & Time: March 4, 2021 @ 5 PM

Event: Trends in Cybersecurity Industry Talk by Bruce Bonsall
Date & Time: February 19, 2021 @ 4 PM
Description: Recording

Event: Shellcoding Workshop
Date & Time: February 17, 2021 @ 8 PM
Description: Recording

Event: General Body Meeting
Date & Time: February 10, 2021 @ 8 PM
Description: Recording

Fall 2020 Semester

Event: Basics of SQLi for HackUMass
Date & Time: December 19, 2020
Description: Recording

Event: Infosec Industry Talk w/ Jeff Skrzypczak
Date & Time: Tuesday December 15, 2020 @ 1:00-2:30 PM
Description: Jeffrey Skrzypczak is a UMass Alum who now works at a security vendor called Threat Stack. Jeffrey will be giving a talk on his career in cybersec as well as his journey to establishing himself in the industry. He will also be discussing how professional blue teams leverage Threat Stack from an Incident Detection and Response process to monitor user behavior on a platform as well as general cloud infrastructure vulnerabilities. No experience is required and we hope to see you all there! Original Event Posting

Event: Network Exploitation w/ Nick Stafford
Date & Time: Wednesday November 18, 2020 @ 6:00-7:30 PM
Description: Nick Stafford is a professional within the cybersecurity industry with over 10 years of experience across many companies such as the Army and General Dynamics. While working at these companies, Nick was an important member on both the security and radar teams. He will be presenting and discussing a wide variety of common and practical network exploitation skills as well as some useful tools in Kali Linux. He will also be demoing how to hack a WEP encrypted WIFI password so you won't wanna miss out on this unique presentation. Original Event Posting

Event: Cyber 9/12 hosted by Columbia University
Location: Virtual
Date & Time: October 30-31, 2020

Event: Turning a Web App Firewall, IaaS, and More w/ Oracle
Date & Time: October 30, 2020
Description: Recording

Event: Lockdown v9 Cyberdefense Competition hosted by UBuffalo
Date & Time: October 17, 2020
Location: Virtual

Event: Hivestorm Competition Day
Date & Time: October 17, 2020 @ 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Location: Virtual
Description: UMass is organizing teams for the 4-hour Hivestorm Cyber Defense Competition. Early registration closes Sep 18th, 11pm. Every team that registers early will be entered into a random drawing for prizes. Late registration closes October 1st, 11pm EDT. The CIAS is hosting its annual Hivestorm defensive cyber competition on Saturday, October 17, 2020 from 10 AM to 11 PM Central (11am to Midnight EDT). Hivestorm is a collegiate-focused cyber defense competition. Teams compete by securing provided Windows and Linux based virtual machines - removing malware and other infections, correcting misconfigurations, mitigating vulnerabilities, disabling vulnerable services, and so on. It is designed for teams of 2 to 4, is free to play, is completely virtual, and is open to as many teams as you want to field. Your team will have a 4 hour window to work on the provided virtual machines. Original Event Posting

Event: Cyber 9/12 hosted by Columbia University -- Registration Due
Date: October 9, 2020

Event: UMassCTF 2020
Date(s) & Time: October 5, 2020 @ 7 PM - October 12, 2020 @ 7 PM
Location: Virtual via Discord and Twitch
Description: Learn about ethical hacking and cybersecurity in our "Capture the Flag" competition, starting next Monday, Oct. 5th! The Cybersecurity Club is running this week-long event for beginners and experts alike to gain hands on experience with computer vulnerabilities, data obfuscation methods, and other useful skills within cybersecurity. CTF's are a fun team based competition where you practice cybersecurity skills in a game like setting. Gather some friends and come try it. There's a wide array of challenges with varying skill levels so everyone is welcome. Some of the categories include Binary Exploitation, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, and Open Source Intelligence. We are also hosting workshops leading up to and during the event, so don't worry if you think you'd be lost. Make sure to sign up here with your UMass email to qualify for prizes. Also, join our mailing list and Discord to hear more about this and other events! Prizes will be awarded to top contenders. Old Link Original Event Posting

Event: A Top Concern for Democracy: Disinformation w/ Marvin Cable
Date & Time: Friday October 2, 2020 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: Virtual
Description: Recently, the Director of the NSA ranked combating misinformation, disinformation, and influence operations as a top priority for the prosperity of United States. And, rightly so. As our lives move more-and-more online, we rely more-and-more upon the information provided to us via online sources. Even seemingly innocent or non-biased online information sources have fallen victim to strong undercurrents of information warfare. The consequences of false or misleading information online have wide-ranging and profound negative impacts upon human affairs. Most simply, reasonable people have completely different versions of basic facts, resulting in opinions and decisions based on the different versions of facts. In this talk, Marvin Cable, Esq., will present the current state of information warfare and its pressing threat to the prosperity of humanity. If the current trend continues, as suggested by knowledgeable intellectuals, we may see civil war, not only in our country, but in many others around the world, as these issues threaten the foundation of government processes and catalyzes civil distrust in governments. Further, common issues like viruses, health-care, global warming, and human rights, will be subject to the will of irrational or dysfunctional decision-making. And, these are just a few of the issues - the list of potential negative impacts is long. To keep this talk focused, however, Cable will primarily focus on major threats that Misinformation, Disinformation, and Influence Operations has and will have in the short-term future, specifically in 2020 and the next several years. Marvin Cable is a lecturer at the College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, a top-tier institution dedicated to computing for the common good. Currently, during this fall 2020 semester, Cable spends his time teaching two courses: Internet Law & Policy (COMPSCI 563) and Computer Crime Law (COMPSCI 391L). Original Event Posting Recording

Event: Hivestorm Competition -- Registration Due
Date: October 1, 2020

Event: UMassCTF Prep: Crypto Dash (International)
Date & Time: Monday September 22, 2020 @ 2:30-3:30 AM
Location: Virtual - Twitch
Description: This week, we will cover the basics of crypto needed to succeed in CTF's. Cryptography is the study of mathematical ciphers used to encrypt and decrypt messages. We will cover a wide range of ciphers throughout history, starting with the basics, such as Caesar Cipher, all the way up to modern standards of encryption such as AES and RSA. No experience is required and we encourage anyone interested to show up. We hope to see you there. This live stream event is scheduled to work well for international students and will serve as an "office hour" for the domestic event. Participants are encouraged to first watch the primary event's recording, which will be made promptly available on YouTube. Then, during this stream, an instructor will briefly review the topics covered and work through any points of confusion. Original Event Posting

Event: UMassCTF Prep: Crypto Dash (Domestic)
Date & Time: Sunday September 22, 2020 @ 7:00-8:00 PM
Location: Virtual - Twitch
Description: This week, we will cover the basics of crypto needed to succeed in CTF's. Cryptography is the study of mathematical ciphers used to encrypt and decrypt messages. We will cover a wide range of ciphers throughout history, starting with the basics, such as Caesar Cipher, all the way up to modern standards of encryption such as AES and RSA. No experience is required and we encourage anyone interested to show up. We hope to see you there. This live stream event is scheduled to work well for domestic students and will be made promptly available on YouTube. Then, during this stream, an instructor will briefly review the topics covered and work through any points of confusion. Early the following morning, there will be live-streamed "office hours" specifically for international students, during which an instructor will briefly review the topics covered and work through any points of confusion with participants. Original Event Posting

Event: UMassCTF Prep: Linux Fun-damentals (International)
Date & Time: Tuesday September 15, 2020 @ 2:30-3:30 AM
Location: Virtual - Twitch
Description: This event will be a hands-on introduction to Linux operating systems. Participants will learn how to set up their own virtual environments, get a feel for navigating the system, and acquire a number of important skills by solving a series of puzzles with their bash terminal. This live stream event is scheduled to work well for international students and will serve as an "office hour" for the domestic event. Participants are encouraged to first watch the primary event's recording, which will be made promptly available on YouTube. Then, during this stream, an instructor will briefly review the topics covered and work through any points of confusion. Original Event Posting

Event: UMassCTF Prep: Linux Fun-damentals (Domestic)
Date & Time: Monday September 14, 2020 @ 7:00-9:00 PM
Location: Virtual - Twitch
Description: This event will be a hands-on introduction to Linux operating systems. Participants will learn how to set up their own virtual environments, get a feel for navigating the system, and acquire a number of important skills by solving a series of puzzles with their bash terminal. This live stream event on Twitch is scheduled to work well for domestic students and will be made available on YouTube shortly afterwards. Early the following morning, there will be live streamed "office hours", specifically for international students, during which an instructor will briefly review the topics covered and work through any points of confusion with participants. Original Event Posting

Event: General Body Meeting (GBM)
Date & Time: Wednesday September 9, 2020 @ 6 PM
Location: Virtual - Zoom
Description: We will discuss getting involved in the cybersecurity club, future plans for events, logistics, and other important information. We're excited to get this semester started! Original Event Posting

Spring 2020 Semester

Event: Lockdown v8 Cyberdefense Competition hosted by UBuffalo - Virtual
Date & Time: May 2, 2020 @ 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: Virtual

Event: Crisis and Incident Management w/ Kelley Okolita
Date & Time: Thursday April 23, 2020 @ 6:30-7:45 PM
Location: Virtual - Zoom
Description: Kelley Okolita is currently the Director of Disaster Management Services at Cambia Health Solutions. She will discuss her career's work in crisis and incident management. Original Event Posting

Event: Cybersecurity Alumni Panel
Date & Time: Tuesday April 14, 2020 @ 6:30-8:00 PM
Location: Virtual - Zoom
Description: Tune into a live discussion and Q&A with UMass Alumi who have gone on to work in the cybersecurity industry. Learn about what it's like to work in the industry and get professional advice on how to not only get hired, but also how to survive and get the most out of your work. Panelists will also discuss what they found most useful during their education and answer live questions. Original Event Posting

Event: FBI Agent Talk with Scott McGaunn
Date & Time: April 9, 2020 @ 6:30 PM
Location: Virtual

Event: Oracle's WAF and Cybersecurity (POSTPONED)
Date & Time: March 24, 2020 @ 5:30 PM
Location: ILC N255

Event: Intro to the Cybersecurity Industry by Nick Stafford (POSTPONED)
Date & Time: March 12, 2020 @ 5:30-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N211
Description: This event has been postponed indefinitely due to concerns surrounding COVID-19. Nicholas Stafford, UMass alumni turned cybersecurity engineer, returns to offer a presentation on the basics of cybersecurity. Nick will be going over the many aspects of his job and how members of industry work around the clock to ensure their systems are secure. No prior experience is needed and we will cover a wide range of topics from Intrusion Detection Systems to potential interview questions as a cybersecurity professional. Original Event Posting

Event: Voatz Bug Bounty Challenge
Date & Time: March 9, 2020 @ 6:00 PM
Location: CS 150/151
Description: Voatz is a premier mobile voting and election platform, redundantly secured by smart biometrics and real time ID verification to prevent fraud, and hosted in the blockchain for industry-leading transparency, auditing, and resistance to hacking. Voatz is hosting a bug bounty challenge here at UMass and will teach students how to investigate their software. Through HackerOne, you will work to find bugs in their application and work towards real cash prizes. There will also be pizza at this event so come on by and grab some cash and food. Original Event Posting

Event: Learning Assembly For Fun and Profit (and Flags)
Date & Time: Wednesday March 4, 2020 @ 7:00-9:00 PM
Location: ILC N111
Description: With the developments of modern programming languages such as Java and Python, one can spend an entire software engineering career never having to read or write assembly. But this is not to say that knowledge of assembly is useless nowadays; when it comes to computer security, a working knowledge of assembly is fundamental to understanding reverse engineering and memory corruption vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows. In this workshop, we will present a framework for reasoning about assembly languages and go through exercises writing and reverse engineering programs for the venerable Intel x86 platform. Join us for an opportunity learn more about how computers work and meet the cybersecurity club's own capture-the-flag team. If possible, please bring a laptop of your own. Original Event Posting

Event: General Body Meeting (GBM)
Date & Time: Thursday February 13, 2020 @ 5:45-7:00 PM
Location: CS 150/151
Description: The UMass Cybersecurity Club is a Student Organization in CS geared toward bringing all-things-cyber to UMass students. Past events the Cybersecurity Club has hosted include workshops on digital forensics, cryptography, signal analysis and reverse engineering, plus tech talks about RFID privacy, cryptocurrency and DNS analytics. We have also organized teams for various Capture-The-Flag competitions, led excursions to cybersecurity conferences, and had CISO's and other industry figures talk about the business-side of cyber. Each semester, the club hosts at least one General Body Meeting where we hang out, talk about upcoming events, and discuss what members would like to see the club do. Everyone is encouraged to join us, both current members and those who are interested in getting involved. Original Event Posting

Fall 2019 Semester

Event: End of Semester Event
Date & Time: December 11, 2019 @ 6 PM
Location: ILC N255

Event: Jane Tangen's Digital Forensics Workshop Series: Memory Forensics
Date & Time: November 19, 2019 @ 4:00-5:00 PM
Location: ILC N255
Description: This workshop is an introduction to RAM/memory forensics. We will be using Volatility and The Sleuth Kit to analyze memory dumps. A VM will be provided before the workshop and a link will be added on the Facebook event. Anyone with basic familiarity with the terminal is invited, and all commands will be written on the board. Original Event Posting Image Used LZ File

Event: Jane Tangen's Digital Forensics Workshop Series: File System Forensics
Date & Time: November 5, 2019 @ 4:00-5:00 PM
Location: ILC N255
Description: This workshop is an introduction to file system types and introduces a tool to analyze file systems. We will be using tools in The Sleuth Kit and the terminal. This is meant for people who are familiar with the command line (do you know “cd”?), however anyone interested is welcome to come. Please bring a laptop that can connect to the internet and has at least 10 Gbs of free space. Original Event Posting Image Used

Event: Intro to Binary Exploitation w/ Jakob Kreuze -- Hosted by Pentest Club
Date & Time: October 23, 2019 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC N111
Description: Original Event Posting

Event: Jane Tangen's Digital Forensics Workshop Series: Network Forensics
Date & Time: October 22, 2019 @ 4 PM
Location: ILC N255
Description: Workshop on introduction to network forensics! We will go over basic network protocols and how to examine network packets. You will need a computer that connects to the internet. Please install Wireshark beforehand, we will also have time to download it at the beginning of the workshop. URL is here: Original Event Posting Example pcap Files

Event: Breaking Cryptography w/ Steven Rossi -- Hosted by Pentest Club
Date & Time: October 11, 2019 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC N111
Description: Original Event Posting

Event: Andrey Yesyev presents DNS Analytics
Date & Time: October 9, 2019 @ 7 PM
Location: ILC S231
Description: Original Event Posting

Event: Cybersecurity Club Kickoff w/ PicoCTF -- Hosted by Pentest Club
Date & Time: September 27, 2019 @ 6 PM
Location: ILC S240
Description: Original Event Posting

Event: General Body Meeting
Date & Time: Thursday September 26, 2019 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC S140
Description: Welcome back to campus! This Thursday we are hosting our general body meeting. We will discuss getting involved, future plans for events, logistics, and other important information about the cybersecurity club. We will also talk about filling leadership positions, so if you are interested in taking a serious roll in the club make sure to attend. Original Event Posting

Spring 2019 Semester

Event: Bruce Bosnall Industry Talk
Date & Time: Tuesday April 23, 2019 @ 6:00-7:00PM
Location: ILC N211
Description: Bruce Bonsall is a cybersecurity consultant with over 30 years of experience in the field. He will be joining us on April 23rd to talk about supply chain security and to give his perspective on the day-to-day work life of a cybersecurity professional. Pizza and drink will be provided outside the room! Original Event Posting

Event: Brian Levine on Forensic Investigation of Internet-based Crimes Against Children
Date & Time: Tuesday April 9, 2019 @ 4:30-5:30 PM
Location: ILC N255
Description: We will have pizza and drinks! **Please note: this talk includes some discussion of child abuse** Prof. Brian Levine works in the areas of security, privacy, and forensics applied to networking. Recently, his work has focused on two topics: thwarting child sexual exploitation, and cryptoeconomics. He is funded by the Department of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Bitcoin Unlimited, and NSF. His work on thwarting child exploitation is often in collaboration with the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force; through ICAC his group’s work has had an international impact, including the rescue by law enforcement of many hundreds of children from sexual abuse based on their tools. In the networking area, his work includes mobile networking, disruption tolerant networks, and peer-to-peer networking. His work on mobile networking has been funded by the NSF, NSF/GENI, and DARPA. Original Event Posting

Event: Talk from Amir Houmansadr on Privacy and Security
Date & Time: Tuesday March 5, 2019 @ 4:30-5:30 PM
Location: ILC N255
Description: WE HAVE FOOD AND DRINKS!! Faculty Lecture from Prof. Amir Houmansadr. He will talk about his research in privacy and talk a little bit about his CS460 course. Original Event Posting

Event: Talk from Andrew Reiter, Security Researcher at Veracode, on Careers in Cybersecurity
Date & Time: Wednesday February 20, 2019 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N155
Description: Andrew Reiter will talk about his work in application security at Veracode, and will share a bit about what he does on a daily basis as a security researcher. Most of his work involves applied research as it relates to Veracode's static analysis product. He also hopes to share some knowledge of entry points for careers in the security world (outside of academia), including what you can do on your own time to help further your growth in this realm. All are welcome! Original Event Posting

Fall 2018 Semester

Event: Workshop from Jeff Long, Principal Cyber Security Engineer at MITRE, on Signal Decoding and Analysis
Date & Time: Wednesday December 5, 2018 @ 5:30-6:30 PM
Location: CS 151
Description: Learn about signal decode and analysis with an outdoor thermometer as the signal source. We will be using the Universal Radio Hacker program to analysis the signals. A virtual box image will be provided. Presented by Jeff Long, who is a Principal Cyber Security Engineer with The MITRE Corporation. His interests include cyber security, embedded systems, networking, software defined radio (SDR), and reverse engineering. He is an open source software enthusiast, and has contributed to several SDR-related projects. Original Event Posting

Event: Talk from Wayne Burleson on RFID Privacy
Date & Time: Thursday November 29, 2018 @ 5:30-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N211
Description: Although RFID has been widely known for its impact on supply chain and inventory management, two of the most exciting applications from a privacy perspective are in: 1) transportation payment systems and 2) implantable medical devices. This talk presents recent research in both areas, drawing parallels but making important distinctions between the two applications. Both projects involve broad international collaborations due to the large number of technical disciplines involved, as well as varying legal and societal dimensions across different cultures. Transportation payment systems have the ability to divulge user location and hence travel habits. However they also facilitate sophisticated dynamic fare schemes and optimization of the transportation system. Implantable medical devices contain extremely private information about personal health and habits, as well as enabling tracking and other privacy concerns. However, the ability to wirelessly access implanted devices provides enormous health and cost benefits. Both topics raise interesting cross-disciplinary issues in economics, threat models, and ethics as well as more technical aspects of security engineering. This talk will review engineering solutions to both of these domains, including low-power cryptography, physical unclonable functions, and prototyping techniques. Professor Wayne Burleson will present this tech talk on November 29th at 5:30PM in ILC N211.Original Event Posting

Event: Talk from Marc Liberatore on Computer Privacy and Crime Laws
Date & Time: Thursday October 18, 2018 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N101
Description: Marc Liberatore, UMass CICS teaching faculty member & associate director of the UMass Digital Forensics Lab, will be giving a lecture in ILC N101 from 6:00PM-7:00PM. In this talk, we’ll engage in a fast-paced introduction to federal computer crime law and privacy law in the United States. We’ll start by talking about what is a computer crime and what is not — and the answers may surprise you. We’ll then move on to the privacy protections you have, both from government surveillance and more generally. We’ll finish up with a brief explanation of how and why our government can do more than you might think in some circumstances — particularly when dealing with foreign intelligence — and how and why we might constrain both public and private actors’ actions that invade our privacy. Original Event Posting

Event: Talk from Justin Peavey, CISO at Wellington Management, on Security vs. New Business Capabailities
Date & Time: Tuesday October 9, 2018 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC S231
Description: Justin Peavey from Wellington Management Company will be presenting a talk about security on October 9th, from 6:00-7:00PM in ILC S231. Justin Peavey is the Chief Information Security Officer at Wellington Management. He has been involved in Cybersecurity since his UMass Amherst days in the late 80s. Since 2002, he has been either CISO or Primary Security Architect at multiple financial firms. Justin will be speaking about Security vs. new business capabilities, trying to strike the right balance protecting the business while not becoming the office of “no”, as well as digesting real and practical risks to an organization, while putting the never ending cybersecurity hype aside. This will be a great opportunity to gain industry knowledge from an expert in the field of cybersecurity. Original Event Posting

Event: Talk from Brian Levine on Cryptocurrencies
Date & Time: Thursday September 20, 2018 @ 4:00-4:30 PM
Location: ILC S311
Description: Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, have seen widespread adoption as a method of distributed trust supporting commerce and cloud computing. In this talk, we will go over the basics of how they work and what their limitations are. In many ways, the talk will be an introduction to CS490P Secure Distributed Systems, which discusses blockchains in depth as well as related topics in systems and network security. As part of the talk, there will be time to answer any questions you might have about this space. This talk be be given by Prof. Brian Levine from the College of Information and Computer Sciences. His research and teaching focus on security, privacy, and forensics in the context of mobile systems, cellular networks, and the Internet. Original Event Posting

Event: General Body Meeting
Date & Time: Tuesday September 18, 2018 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N255
Description: This is the semester's kickoff General Body Meeting. During this informal meeting we will discuss general information about the UMass ACM Cybersecuirty Club, as well as upcoming workshops and events involving cybersecuirty. We will also use this event as an opportunity to listen to what club members would like to do in the future. Original Event Posting

Spring 2018 Semester

Event: General Body Meeting (with Milk & Cookies)
Date & Time: Thursday April 26, 2018 @ 6:30-7:30 PM
Location: ILC N101
Description: Feeling anxious about your impending finals? Come relax with some free cookies! As the semester winds down, our preparations for next semester begin. Come join us this Thursday in the ILC to discuss future events, workshops, and more. Keep in mind, this meeting will be very informal and, as always, all are welcome! Original Event Posting

Event: Talk from Prashanth Ram, a Principal Sales Engineer for Okta, on How Customers Look at Identity and Security in Applications
Date & Time: Wednesday March 28, 2018 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC S231
Description: Identity and security go hand in hand. We will talk about how customers are looking at Identity and securing their applications using modern authentication systems such as OAuth, OIDC for IoT systems, mobile apps, mobile banking apps, P2P apps, etc. Prashanth Ram, CISSP, is a Principal Sales Engineer for Okta. Prashanth has worked in security space for over 10 years in a variety of organizations focusing on Identity, Vulnerability Management, and DLP. He has experience with embedded systems, databases, and security and has a BS in ECE from WPI, an MS in CSE from NEU and an MBA from Babson. At Okta, Prashanth provides architecture and best practices, focusing on banking, healthcare, and manufacturing applications. Okta provides secure identity management and single sign-on to any application, whether in the cloud, on-premises or on a mobile device for your employees, partners, and customers. Come attend this Tech Talk in the Integrative Learning Center at 6PM on March 28th! All are welcome!Original Event Posting

Event: Talk from Andrew Reiter, reseracher at Veracode, on Research in the Computer Security Industry
Date & Time: Wednesday February 12, 2018 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC S231
Description: Andrew R. Reiter is a Principal Security Researcher with Veracode, a business unit of CA Technologies, where he is focused on modeling languages and frameworks for automated application security analysis. He will be speaking about applied research in the computer security industry, as well as the day-to-day research he performs supporting a Security-as-a-Service (SaaS) application security Scanner. Original Event Posting

Event: Workshop on Reverse Engineering in C
Date & Time: Thursday February 15, 2018 @ 6:00-7:30 PM
Location: ILC S110
Description: Come to ILC S110 this Thursday (2/15) to learn about reverse engineering C for buffer overflows, and how to use GCC & Python to write exploits for such vulnerabilities. Remember to bring a laptop! Original Event Posting

Fall 2017 Semester

Event: Okta Tech Talk
Date & Time: Wednesday December 6, 2017 @ 6:00-7:15 PM
Location: ILC N211
Description: Identity and security go hand in hand. We will talk about how customers are looking at identity and securing their applications using modern authentication systems such as OAuth,OIDC for IoT systems, mobile apps, mobile banking apps, P2P apps, etc. Prashanth Ram, CISSP, is a Principal Sales Engineer for Okta. Prashanth has worked in security space for over 10 years in variety of organizations focusing on Identity, Vulnerability Management and DLP. He has experience with embedded systems to databases to security and has a BS ECE WPI, MS CSE NEU and MBA from Babson. At Okta, he provides architecture and best practices to organization focusing on banking, healthcare and manufacturing applications. Okta provides secure identity management and single sign-on to any application, whether in the cloud, on-premises or on a mobile device for your employees, partners and customers. Original Event Posting

Event: Raytheon BBN Tech Talk
Date & Time: Wednesday November 29, 2017 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC S231
Description: Dr. Shane Clark is a Scientist in the Distributed Systems Group at Raytheon BBN Technologies and he will be discussing the A3 design and architecture, as well as some real-world results showing how A3 mitigates zero-day attacks. A3 is an execution management environment that aims to make network-facing applications and services resilient against zero-day attacks. He will also offer a brief overview of some of the other cybersecurity work going on at BBN. Original Event Posting

Event: Cyber Security in the Corporate World Panel
Date & Time: Wednesday November 8, 2017 @ 6:30-7:30 PM
Location: Isenberg room 106
Description: Join us on Wednesday, November 8th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm in Isenberg room 106 for our second annual Cyber Security Panel. We will be hosting four industry experts: Bruce Bonsall, CISSP, IANS Executive Faculty and former CISO of Massmutual, Brant Cheikes, Executive Director of Data Sceince at UMass, Andrew Reitas, Principle Security Researcher at Veracode, and William Steinka, Enterprise Security Architect at Travelers. Come learn about the many opportunities in the industry for computer science, informatics, and business graduates! Original Event Posting

Event: Security at Facebook Information Session
Date & Time: Wednesday October 18, 2017 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N151
Description: Interested in becoming a Security Engineer? How about a Security Analyst? Interested in learning about what a Security Engineer or Analyst even does? Come learn all about careers in Security and more specifically about Facebook's awesome security team! The Security team at Facebook protects the security and privacy of over a billion people, is responsible for monitoring internal tools and external threats against company systems and infrastructure, and designs scalable security solutions. We will talk about how and why security at Facebook is important, what it consists of, and how it continues to influence our company and organization. Food, Drink and Swag will be provided. Come hear how we make life hard for the bad guys. Original Event Posting

Event: NESD Carpool
Date & Time: Friday September 29, 2017 @ 5:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Description: There will be a mini cybersecurity conference called the NESD (New England Security Day) hosted at Northeastern University next Friday on September 29th. This is a full day trip leaving at 5:00 AM and coming back to campus at 8:00 PM. Check out last year’s NESD hosted by WPI on this link to see if this type of event is right for you. Here are the mains reasons to go: Network with high level cybersecurity companies like Draper Labs, MIT Lincoln Labs, MITRE, RSA Labs, Veracode and many more. Learn about vast field of cybersecurity from experts in the field Get a glimpse of the cutting edge research being done in cybersecurity. This is a full day long trip that is being hosted by the UMass ACM Cybersecurity Club. The registration and travel costs are funded by the UMass Amherst Cybersecurity Institute. We are trying to order the tickets today, so please try to get the form filled out to be fully considered for the trip. Anybody able to drive will get priority. We will be sending out logistics information for this event on Monday to those that fill out the form today. Original Event Posting

Event: Talk from Cisco on Cybersecurity and Careers
Date & Time: Monday September 25, 2017 @ 6:00-8:00 PM
Location: ILC N255
Description: Come hear about the cyber security experience at Cisco. This event will end with a meet and greet. Feel free to bring your resume! Original Event Posting

Event: General Interest Meeting
Date & Time: Thursday September 14, 2017 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: Marcus M5
Description: Original Event Posting

Spring 2017 Semester

Event: Cybersecurity Conquest
Date & Time: Thursday April 27, 2017 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N211
Description: For our last event of the semester, the Cybersecurity Club is hosting 'Cybersecurity Conquest', a security themed contest that will give you a chance to develop your security knowledge and compete against your peers for prizes. Those who conquer the world will win prizes. All you need is a laptop with a working wi-fi connection. Original Event Posting

Event: Talk on Security and Machine Learning at Juniper
Date & Time: Thursday April 6, 2017 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N211
Description: Our next event of the semester features Karthik Kannappan, a security engineer at Juniper Networks. Join us as Karthik discusses the challenges of using machine learning in security services industry, the balance between domain experts and learning algorithms and the interesting cultural differences between academia/industry in the information security/machine learning realm. Original Event Posting

Event: Talk on Security at Google
Date & Time: Tuesday March 21, 2017 @ 7:00-8:00 PM
Location: ILC S231
Description: Our first speaker after spring break is Ankit Sharma, a security engineer at Google! Ankit will discuss the work he does with Google's BeyondCorp project. Original Event Posting

Event: KPMG Security Tech Talk
Date & Time: Tuesday February 28, 2017 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N211
Description: Our next speaker for the semester is Charlie Jacco( a principal security engineer) from KPMG! KPMG is a very large professional services company that provides most of its services in audit, tax and advisory.Charlie will discuss the work he does as a security engineer at KPMG and some of the interesting things he's seen there over the last few years. Hope to see you all there! Original Event Posting

Event: CTF Competition
Date & Time: Thursday February 23, 2017 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N211
Description: (Postponed from 2/9 and 2/16 due to snow) Third time's the charm people. We will be hosting this event on Thursday. Come on down and compete against your peers as you work through security challenges. There will be food (for everyone) and prizes (a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino Uno and an IOT Push button have been getting cozy on my desk for a while now). If you missed the workshop and would like the information, email us at umasscybersec [at] gmail [dot] com and we can email you slide deck. Please remember to bring your computers too! Looking forward to seeing everyone!Original Event Posting

Event: Optum Tech Talk
Date & Time: Wednesday February 15, 2017 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N211
Description: Come and join us for a tech talk with Shawn Ertel, an IT Security Consultant. He will discuss some of the work he's done at Optum along with security DevOps and Docker. Food will be served. Original Event Posting

Event: CTF Prep Workshop
Date & Time: Thursday February 2, 2017 @ 6:00-6:45 PM
Location: ILC N211
Description: Hey everyone! Our exec board has spent several months putting together a security-based competition, and it is ready for you guys to compete in! In this workshop we will be covereing the details of the competition platform and some material that might come in handy for the competition, which will be next week. Hope to see you next week! Original Event Posting

Event: General Interest Meeting- Spring Semester!
Date & Time: Thursday January 26, 2017 @ 6:00-6:30 PM
Location: M5
Description: The executive board has been busy this winter break planning events for this semester and we want to get the word out on this semester. Likewise, this is a great opportunity for you to voice your opinions and potentially get more involved with the club.Looking forward to meeting everyone! Original Event Posting

Fall 2016 Semester

Event: Social Night: Mr. Robot Screening!
Date & Time: Wednesday December 7, 2016 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: CS 150/151
Description: In an attempt to destress everyone from impending finals, the club's final event of the term will be a screening of the first episode of the very popular TV show, Mr.Robot! We will be having holiday themed snacks. Hope to see you there! Original Event Posting

Event: Idea Jam & Team Formation: Imagine Cup 2017
Date & Time: Friday December 2, 2016 @ 4:00-5:00 PM
Location: CS 150/151
Description: Imagine cup deadlines for the world's biggest Student Innovation Competition is just 3 weeks away. Have an idea but haven't formed a team of 3 yet? Or Donot have an idea but still want to participate? No Problem! This event will give you an opportunity to find other programmers, designers or marketing person and get your team registered for Imagine Cup. Giving away selfie sticks and Bluetooth speakers to first 2 teams who register on spot. Original Event Posting

Event: Panel: Cybersecurity in the Corporate World
Date & Time: Wednesday November 9, 2016 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC S211
Description: In collaboration with the Operations and Information Management club, we are hosting a cybersecurity panel next week! Join us as leaders in cybersecurity discuss the importance of security in the workforce and the paths they took to the reach the positions they are in today. Speakers include: *Deidre Diamond, Founder and CEO of CyberSN, *Justin Peavey, Chief Information Security Officer of Wellington Management, *Bruce Bonsall, CISSP, IANS Executive Faculty and Independant CyberSecurity Consultant *Charlie Jacco, Principal Security Engineer from KPMG. Pizza will be served. Original Event Posting

Event: KPMG Tech Talk featuring Charles Jacco (CANCELLED)
Date & Time: Tuesday November 8, 2016 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC S231
Description: Join us for a tech talk with Charles Jacco, as he discusses the work he does in protecting KPMG and the interesting cases he has seen during his time there! Original Event Posting

Event: Simplivity Tech Talk
Date & Time: Thursday October 27, 2016 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N155
Description: Join us as Darren Douglas gives an introduction to cyber security and discusses his work as a security engineer and Simplivity! Original Event Posting

Event: Activity Day: Learn Cybersecurity Skills
Date & Time: Thursday October 20, 2016 @ 6:30-7:30 PM
Location: ILC N155
Description: Due to the poor turnout for our last date, we have rescheduled this event to this week. Come and learn security concepts and meet some new people! We will have prizes for the winning team of 3. Please make sure to bring your laptop. If you have not maneuvered around terminal/command line in a while, we recommend highly recommend that you brush up on your command line skills. It is totally fine If you have no background with command line. I recommend taking a quick look at this tutorial: (or any other resources you may find). Please note the change in date and location from our usual events! Hope to see you all there Original Event Posting

Event: RSA Tech Talk featuring Mark Carboni
Date & Time: Wednesday September 28, 2016 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N255
Description: Come and join us for a tech talk with Mark Carboni, an advisory security engineer. He will discuss some of the cool things he's done at RSA and the additional work he does as a Cyber Operations officer in the Massachusetts Air National Guard. Looking for an internship or job? RSA will be accepting resumes at this event, so make sure to bring yours! Refreshments will also be served. Original Event Posting

Event: Red Team Tactics Workshop
Date & Time: Wednesday September 21, 2016 @ 6 PM
Location: ILC N255
Description: How do you defend against an enemy you know nothing about? Jake Spinney, Co-President of the UMass ACM Cybersecurity Club wants to take the mystery out of cyber defense by showing you how attackers compromise systems. Regardless of your level of experetise, you are bound to learn something interesting. Free refreshments and virtual hacking playground to all who attend! Original Event Posting

Event: UMass ACM Annual General Interest Meeting
Date & Time: Monday September 19, 2016 @ 5:30-6:30 PM
Location: CS 150/151
Description: Help yourself to some pizza and meet other students who share similar interests in computer science! We will cover initiatives planned for this year (company tours, tech talks, hackathons, etc). Join us and learn how to get involved! Original Event Posting

Event: Akamai Tech Talk featuring Larry Cashdollar
Date & Time: Wednesday September 14, 2016 @ 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: ILC N255
Description: Come and join us for a tech talk with Larry Cashdollar, a cybersecurity researcher and an incidence response engineer. He will discuss the attacks he has seen against the Akamai network and its clients. He will also present some of side projects and research. Looking for an internship or job? Akamai will be accepting resumes at this event, so make sure to bring yours! Refreshments will also be served.Original Event Posting

Event: UMass Cybersecurity Club First Meeting
Date & Time: Thursday September 8, 2016 @ 5:30-6 PM
Location: M5
Description: The executive board has spent a lot of time planning events for this semester and we want to get the word out on the awesome stuff we have lined up. Looking forward to meeting everyone! Original Event Posting